Unfortunately, the team has had to withdraw from participating in the WTR-Pacific

Keep us afloat!     


The Buzz is enormous on Facebook the last 14 days. On the 1st of December, all the participating Teams of the TWAC2021 are present in San Sebastian de La Gomera. They post every movement of themselves and their family. Teams are busy packing stuff, prepare for the last safety inspections, try to relax, do some exercises and putting their boats in the water.  When I check my Facebook I see pictures of the harbour and a glimpse of the Ocean were we left shore with the Atlantic Dutchesses and sometimes I long to go back. La Gomera is a lovely small Canary Island with quite some diversity in nature. The rowers of the TWAC are as diverse as the island. Solo-rowers, pairs, teams of 3,4, and even 5 rowers. They all have their own stories, why they want to row the Atlantic.

On the 12th of December the horn blows 36 times. For the first time I watch the start and see all the teams head for the Ocean. Now I know what my family and friends thought and felt.

I feel kind of restless, nervous, until the last boat leaves the harbour. Because I know exactly how the rowers feel.  Mixed feelings all over the place and understanding both worlds now. It was a beautiful send off, as friends, family watched till the rowers were out of sight. Disappearing behind the horizon.  

Now I know why I felt safe on the Atlantic Ocean, a lot of people were watching over me and all the other rowers of the TWAC, as a dot on the Yellow Brick app.

We follow them closely. Before we become a dot again ourselves in a year and half time.
